“So Lonely in Heaven” is now released officially

An auspicious day as “So Lonely in Heaven” is now released officially. Alas we are still waiting for cds and vinyl to arrive in Europe, so we do ask for a little patience. Likewise, the vinyl edition of “Chemical Playschool 23/24” also looks like it will land later than we would have wished (it seems the manufacture of vinyl remains unpredictable and deeply frustrating). The good news is that the CD version of “Chemical Playschool 23/24” HAS now landed and first packages will go out in the coming days…

So Lonely in Heaven is now available as a digital download, CD and vinyl double album through Bandcamp and Metropolis Records.

Christmas Special 2024

Apologies from the admin for posting this 4 days late.

December 20, 2024
Merry Solstice everybody! (ok it’s tomorrow, but I guess that’s close enough..).5 days to Christmas Day so it feels like the appropriate moment to launch the Legendary Pink Dots’ seasonal special for 2024. Happy Solstice everyone!

Bandcamp Friday- December 2024

After nearly 45 years of The Legendary Pink Dots, you’d think we’d be used to the launch of our new album by now. In fact, it’s not the case at all, there’s an almost unbearable childlike excitement at Chez Dots right now as we launch ‘So Lonely in Heaven’. We’ve lived with the finished album for over two months and I can’t deny the temptation to press the ‘Share’ button has been ever present. Still, no need for any more holding back as of today. Here is our link to what feels to us like the first wild daffodil of a Spring Day to come.

Five Edward Ka-Spel solo albums remastered

In the continuing mission to gather all solo titles in one place, a few more are added today. All are remastered (some drastically) while “Textures of Illumina” is also being made available as a limited CDR set as this particular title underwent a massive sonic rebirth. The same applies to ‘The Scriptures of Illumina” as the new master seemed worthy of a physical release . “The Perfect Patch” is being made available on CD-R for the first time.  Find them all here.

love’n’peace EK